India, Before Now, 2013 - 2017
No place has stolen my heart and captured my being more than India. It is a land and people that broke my senses free, allowed me to feel more than I had ever experienced and fall in love without reason or compromise. The lessons feel everlasting. To be awakened by India, is to fall deeply into devotion and reverence for life. It is a land of extreme contradiction, one that both whispers and roars, often at the exact same moment, and it offers little to no escape from its raw and wild beauty, chaos, horror and magnificence. India, thank you.
In late 2012 I was living by an isolated beach in southern India, and I asked a friend who was visiting the nearest town to buy me a disposable camera. She could not find one, and returned with a simple Kodak EC70 point-and-shoot plastic film camera. Begrudgingly, I thanked her, not knowing the greatness of the object she had just handed me.
All photos captured with a Kodak EC70 camera on a range of 35mm film.
Locations: Varanasi, Puri, Rishikesh, Delhi, Mumbai, Orchha, Jaisalmer